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Ollie 跳板\豚跳 难度 2.0


    1 后脚放在板尾,前脚在板中间,
    2 用后脚快速打地并快速收起,同时前脚带板向前,
    3 当前脚带到前桥时后脚在后桥时可以推板下落,然后屈膝缓冲。

    问题1 :最关键的是带板,你一定得做好,很多人在弹板后不能带好而迅速撞回到地面,通常你会学着弹板后迅速把脚压回到地面,我不能多说什么了,因为每个人都会这样。你需要的是带板。

    问题2 :另一点很容易找出原因的坏毛病是当你打板后板尾不起来因为你没有猛地收后脚。你也要把后脚迅速地放回到板上去。我没其它要多说的了,只是你要练!练!练!






    稳的话要能连续平地Ollie,后脚一直在板尾,能做10个以上就不错了,我好像勉强可以,而且不高。 再稳一点就是能连续Ollie过很多个高障碍比如三立高的板,间隔时间越短做出来说明你水平越高。  再进一步就是Pro的水平了,连续跳很高的10多级台阶……高的话要能跳到膝盖碰到胸,最后后脚也是向前推的,或者,不用推的可能更难,就是射板不重复说了去链接里看射板练法。

    This is usually the first trick you learn in skateboarding. Most people give up when they can't do in after a week. But if you practice a lot you will be able to do it. NOTE: Notice how Drag and Dragging are Bold. This is because it is the most important thing in an Ollie, at least when your learning.

    Place your feet as followed: Back foot on the tail and the front in the middle of your board. With the back foot quickly pop your foot down and snap it back up. At the same time you are popping you should be Dragging your front foot up the board. As soon as your front foot reaches the front truck you need to but your back foot on the back trucks and push down. The ground is coming so bend your knees. The key word is DRAG you have to drag your foot up a lot of people just slam their for as soon as they pop but you need to DRAG. Usually what happens is you learn to slam your foot down as soon as you pop I can't say enough about this because almost everyone slams. YOU NEED TO DRAG!! Another thing that happens but not as much and this bad habit can be easily fixed. When you pop sometimes your board doesn't get in the air because you didn't snap you foot back up. You need to put your foot back as quick as possible. From hear I can't tell you much more you have to practice, practice, practice. If your still slamming your foot not DRAGGING then you probably know that I feel like I am talking to a brick wall or lamp post. You need to DRAG. If you want to get a higher Ollie then you have to pop quicker and DRAG higher on your board. Start small Ollie hockey sticks around 8 sticks is usually a deck high so from their on you need to stack decks cause it is easier to put a deck up then to put 8 hockey sticks stacked up. I good thing to start doing is Ollie stairs. Like 3 sets and 5's and stuff like that try to Ollie of high drop offs and don't be afraid. Try it if you have a chance that you could possibly land the worst thing is not to try. 

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